Folk remedy to enhance potency in men's may well help in the fight with erectile dysfunction and prostatitis. They also improve the testosterone production, which is especially important after the "male menopause". Similar recipes exist, and for women, that help fight inflammation and normalize the synthesis of estrogen.
The reasons for the reduced potency

All the factors negatively acting on the potency, it is possible to roughly divide into two groups: psychogenic and organic.
- Overwork and mental exhaustion in the context of high-burden (a big responsibility at work, emotional anxiety, mental stress connected with the study of the helena processing large amounts of information);
- Depression helena subdepressivee status;
- Post-thrombotic syndrome (a condition experienced after difficult life events such as divorce, death of someone close, etc.);
- Uncertainty in themselves and increased anxiety, associated with failure of a personal life, dissatisfaction with your appearance, penis size, etc.;
- Hypochondria – excessive about their health, when a person is looking for a self-existent disease helena strongly exaggerates the danger of available and afraid to lose the male power forever;
- Conflicts with the partner, which led to the extinction of sexual desire to her.
For male potency
To increase male potency are in old age and in youth, it is necessary a large amount of nutrients. Just to ensure your body men vitamins and the best suited folk ways. For the increase of male power requires the following trace elements:
- Zinc;
- Selenium;
- Chrome;
- Magnesium;
- Vitamins of the group;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamin A;
- Vitamin Ie.
Rarely can be called folk methods of fast. Increase the potency of folk remedies for 3 days to do will be difficult. Need a longer treatment. I mean, folk medicine, primarily on natural ingredients. Help not immediately, but the effect is more stable, than the excitatory tablet.
One of the useful for men products is a pumpkin. The biggest benefit it brings in the form of pumpkin juice and fresh, not the last heat treatment of the seeds.
The dishes of pumpkin contains a large amount of zinc. This element is essential of the male body to in large amounts to produce testosterone. This is especially important if a man is at an advanced age.
And fatty acids will help the representatives of the stronger sex all ages. After all, the prostatitis in modern days heavily the younger, and omega-3 – the best prevention.
We offer you two special regulation, known among the Russian folk methods:
- The balls from the pumpkin seeds with honey. Download in a meat grinder 0.5 kg of fresh seeds, not toasted. Add a cup of bold honey, blind, dense sphere with a diameter of about 10 mm. in the morning eat two helena three such vitamins. The main thing in this recipe – properly clean out the seeds. When you take away the crust, let is a on the spot fine films – the one most needed for the potency of trace elements;
- Again, skip peeled similarly, the method of the seeds through a meat grinder. Blind from the resulting cakes, and bake, just not desiccate. It's a delicious and light dessert for tea. Especially if it is ready donuts add honey.
Stanislaus celery
It is a plant not everyone falls to taste. However, it is very useful for enhancing male potency. Particularly large source of nutrients is contained in the roots of stanislaus celery. In the stems of the necessary trace elements a little less.
The rhizomes and stalks of celery – one of the best ways to quickly increase the potency. A glass of freshly squeezed celery juice right in front of the act of an intimate nature will help you feel safer.
Try the following folk remedies for male potency with celery:
- Grind the rhizomes and stalks of celery. We also add shredded carrots and turnips. The bazaar, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice, salt, it is better to add. Her like a normal salad, delicious and nutritious;
- Dried stanislaus celery. Grind to a powder state. It is advisable to use, to constantly add to the meal and at the same time improve its potency;
- Three rhizomes on a grater. Packing the resulting mixture into two layers of gauze, squeezing the juice. 2 articles in a day will be enough to strengthen male potency. You can add a little honey to make it tastier;
- Gently cut the stanislaus celery. Add the small grapes, crushed walnuts. Refillable sour cream helena other dairy products. In a day without harm for a figure you can eat up to 2-test portions and quickly restore your power.
It's a plant, botanists of the so-called "fireweed angustifolia", since ancient times is used in Russian folk medicine. For the treatment of male potency are suitable leaves and flowers. A light decoction Ivan-tea is an excellent substitute for coffee and tea, which are harmful to the sexual activity of men.
In these folk remedies to increase potency used Ivan-tea:
- Tincture. We'll take a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of dry Ivan-tea. Close the cover, hold 20 minutes. Every morning and evening should be drunk after half a cup of such tinctures for potency. The course of treatment with this folk method is thirty days. Peace of mind as well, and, if necessary, repeated;
- Decoction. 2 articles if dry plants, pour in the pan, pour a glass of water. When the water is boiled, we do heat the weaker, close the lid, when the light boiling we keep the 15 minutes. Turn off the stove, two hours, keeping the pan closed. Done, the decoction can be drunk. Best – 2 tsp three times daily on an empty stomach;
- A tea drink. Opolaskivaniem kettle with boiling water. We will need 3 tsp dry Ivan-tea and a pint of boiling water. Cook our tea, but at first pour is not the whole volume of boiling water, only a third of the. After 7 minutes add the rest of warm water, a little cook. This drink you can drink in large quantities, and the efficiency will be to recover. According to taste add the honey, more or less helen of boiling water, if you like strong helena weak tea.
Ginger – one of those ingredients that were often used in the folk medicine of the East. This root is ideal to use it every day, and strengthen your potency. Here are contained all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a good male strength.
It is used in the following folk methods to improve the potency of men:
- We take fresh ginger root and pickle. We need a kilogram of the product. Cut it into thin slices, after having removed the skin. In advance must be harvested bank with a capacity of 3 liters, complete the marinade. We need 1.5 cups rice vinegar, 3 tbsp of tablespoons of sugar. Add water, carefully of the bazaar. To sleep sliced ginger. Over seven hours, it is already possible to eat;
- In this national method can also be used as a dried spice "ginger", and fresh roots. Take ginger and honey in a ratio of 1:1, bazaar. Put in a cool place for 15 days. Before you go to sleep, eats a couple of spoonfuls. Can be used as a useful for potency dessert;
- Grate the fresh ginger rhizomes on a grater, preferably not on the very shallow. Pour vodka. Ginger in tincture all the nutrients not earlier than 12 days. Then tincture filter through a colander. According to taste, add the lemon juice, sugar and a little cinnamon. Before you go to sleep, drink a teaspoon of tincture with water.
How to increase strength in home conditions?
The correct diet is very beneficial effect on male sexual life
He didn't want to turn to a doctor, many patients often ask how to increase strength in the domestic environment. Some of them have resorted to the use of quick remedy medicines. But it is worth it to take into account that these funds have a number of contraindications. Much more efficiently approach the problem comprehensively – physical activity, balanced diet, as well as people's ways to help normalize the potency in men.
Exercise will accelerate the blood circulation, which provides blood flow to the penis organ. During the operation of the sport is endurance, it has a positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse. To increase the potency of men is recommended to perform the following exercise:
- Squats. It is necessary to perform a classic squat, then return to the starting position. It is recommended to repeat 20-25 times.
- "The steps of a soldier". It is necessary to perform the steps, lifting the knees up to the level of the abdomen. Hands allowed to arbitrarily either to place on the belt. Walk for 1 minute.
- Lifting the pelvis. Lie on your back, lean on hands, feet and shoulder blades. To carry out this pan, then return to the starting position. The exercises must simulate the movement of "forward-backward". Repeat 25-30 times.
- "Possession stone". Set the feet shoulder-width apart, put hands on his belt. Slowly squat, smoothly bending your knees, squat is not should be done all the way. To break in such a situation and as much as possible to stretch the buttocks. Repeat 10-15 times.
- "The wheel". Lie down on your back, to do not exceed your hands on the belt. On prosohnut your knees and raise your arms, make legs movements that simulate riding a bike.
- Running on the spot. Running in place, trying to do not exceed your feet from the floor away.
Constant and regular carrying out sit-ups helps to improve the activity of the testes, begin to produce more testosterone, which directly affects the potency
To achieve the result of Kegel exercises should be carried out regularly, with a gradual increase in load. Such movements are authorized to perform during sexual intimacy, with the aim to increase its length and improve the quality.
Before sexual intimacy it is recommended to consume oranges for the extension of sexual intercourse
How to improve erection, men are encouraged to follow a special diet. There are foods that contribute to the increase of male power and improve the potency. These include:

- Sea fish. Especially good on male potency effect of flounder and sardines. In them is contained a large amount of phosphorus, which increases the production of male hormones.
- Turnip. Contains a large number of different amino acids, which improve the libido and increase male vigour. The turnip is not recommended in hepatitis, and the fact that he has problems with the nervous system.
- Lemons and oranges. It is recommended to consume directly prior to sexual intimacy, because these fruits lengthen the duration of sexual intercourse. In addition, they act as antioxidants, healthy the whole organism.
- The quail eggs. Allowed to consume in a raw state, as it is a completely harmless product of the year. In large quantities contains amino acids and phosphorus, which increase the libido and improve the quality of sexual intercourse.
- Bananas. Contribute to the extension of the duration of intimate intercourse, and also getting distinct feelings within him. In addition, bananas improve the functioning of the whole reproductive system.
- Med and hopefully. Contain large amounts of protein, which is essential for quality sexual life. They are involved in the formation of testosterone, so the effect of drinking becomes noticeable fairly quickly.
- Chocolate. Promotes the formation of the hormone serotonin, known as the hormone of joy. This product of the year boosts sexual desire and improves sensations during intimacy.
In addition, men are encouraged to give up the foods, such as fatty meats, sugary soda, alcoholic beverages, pastries. These products are able to worsen erectile function, but also cause various diseases of the digestive system. The amount of salt in the diet, it is necessary to reduce.
Fast techniques
Quickly increase potency help some of the drug medications, as well as a special massage. Massage technique has no contraindications, does not cause complications, so men before sexual intercourse is recommended to perform a self-massage of the genital area.
Massage is carried out with observance of the following rules:
- massage should be guests of the testes; when reduced libido do it is recommended as often as possible.
- Massage can be carried out every day, as well as necessarily directly before sexual contact.
- Massage can be performed even during intercourse, helps maintain an erection, and also increase the length of the intimate proximity.
- Massage is useful in the so-called male menopause, which is, on average, occurs after 50 years.
- Movement during the massage should be smooth and light, it is not recommended to perform a ripping motion.
- During the massage there should be no pressure helena unpleasant feelings. At the time of their occurrence it is necessary to stop the procedure.
Massage adds energy and increases male power, but the maximum effect will be achieved only with regular its implementation. Massage not only helps to increase the potency in domestic conditions, but also increase its duration. Regular procedures they do intimate closeness of a higher quality, adding new sensations.
For a quick increase in the efficiency of the used drug drugs. Their use is only recommended if all other methods do not produce the desired result. Tablets have a lot of contraindications as well as adverse events. Their regular use can lead to quite addictive. In this case, an erection will not arise without the special tablets.
Folk remedies for enhancing male potency acts far not immediately. Along with this, if not serious health diseases, such as methods will help restore male strength, without damage to health and permanently.