Natural foods have no effect on the potency directly. Their effect lies in the strengthening of blood vessels, increase testosterone levels, improve blood flow, improve nerve conduction. A list of the most important potency of the compounds is shown in table 1.

Table 1. Vitamins for potency
Name | The daily dose | Sphere of influence |
A (retinol) | 1-3 mg | Is responsible for the condition of the mucosa (the epithelium of the urinary organs) and skin sheets, regulates the processes of cell division and mineral metabolism, normalizes production of sex hormones, is involved in the synthesis of cholesterol (needed for the production of testosterone). |
D (calciferol) | 0,02-0,05 mg | Affect the production of testosterone, support libido, muscle tone, nervous system. |
E (tocopherol, "antisterility vitamin") | 10-15 mg | It is necessary for the synthesis of gonadotropin (stimulating the production of sex hormones) hormone from the pituitary gland, improves metabolic processes, stimulates sexual function. When the deficit of ability to conceive is declining (it disrupted the structure of the seminiferous tubules, reduction in the number of sex cells). |
B1 (thiamine) | 2-3 mg | It is responsible for the nervous conductivity, the tone of the nervous system. When deficiency worsens the quality of the orgasm, reduced the sensitivity of the nerve receptors of the genital organs, there is a chronic fatigue. |
B2 (riboflavin) | 2-3 mg | Regulate metabolic processes, blood sugar, thins the blood. |
B5 (pantothenic acid) | 10-15 mg | |
B6 (pyridoxine) | 2-4 mg | |
B12 (cyanocobalamin) | 0,001-0,003 mg | It is necessary to transform carotene into vitamin a, stimulates the processes of training, proteins and nucleic acids. |
B9 (folic acid) | 400 mcg | Involved in the formation of libido. When the lack of it reduces sex drive, worsens quality of sperm. |
With | 80 mg | It is essential for the formation of the immune system (prevention of diseases of the urinary system), but also for the absorption of vitamin D. |
In addition to vitamins, men are essential and minerals (in parentheses is listed the daily dose): selenium (100 mg), zinc (15 mg), magnesium (420 mg for men after 30 years), manganese (5 mg), chromium (50 micrograms). All of these elements together with herbal extracts and enzymes are included in the composition of complex additives.
Who needs supplements and how to properly take
Taking synthetic vitamins is necessary only in those cases where their disadvantage is impossible to replenish the food: disease, in particular occupation (explorers, astronauts, sailors). In normal conditions the product the nutraceutical industry, it makes sense to resort to overt signs of lack of this or that element, i.e. consciously. For example: often objetivos lips, flakes of skin – drink away a course of vitamins a and E, then adjust the diet, including fatty fish and vegetable oil (vitamin E is a lot in common sunflower seeds).
The young men of the additional intake of supplements is necessary only rarely, and after 40 years increases the need for antioxidants C and E, which inhibit the aging processes of the authorities. Intake of vitamin a should reduce, because the accumulate with age, and excess will lead to the defeat of the liver. Men after 45 years, the useful supplements with magnesium, which regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as with the content of calcium in combination with vitamin D.
The factors inducing the lack of vitamins and minerals:
- Drinking coffee, tea, energy companies. Three cups of coffee sufficient to neutralize the daily dose of vitamins b, PP. Caffeine also decreases the rate of absorption of iron, calcium, potassium, and zinc.
- Alcohol. Prevents the absorption of b vitamins, as well as a, C, Ie. With regular consumption of alcohol from the organism actively leached potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron.
- All the spaces. Nicotine is not giving the absorption of Selena, destroys vitamins a, C, Ie.
- Stress. Induce a deficiency of vitamins of group b.
- Excessive use of sugar, chronic diseases, use of drugs (antibiotics, statins, laxatives, diuretics). The last in particular, actively reduce the amount of vitamins a, D, Em
The effectiveness of supplements is directly dependent on the method of their admission – how to qualitatively drug digestion in the human body. Some vitamins are fat-soluble, the other soluble in water. The first group includes K, E, P, D, Aa Is a better jam fat products (grated carrot not for nothing is watered vegetable oil or sour cream – without them, the desired substances are not metabolized). The elements of this group are accumulated and are stored in the fatty tissue of the body.
In water soluble vitamins C and group In. The body uses them without delay, thereby the remnants of the urine. Only B12 can be stored in the liver years to come. Take water-soluble vitamins is better in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast, during, or right after. B1, B6 and B12 should not be taken along with milk. The Interval must be at least 3-4 hours.
Minerals it is advisable to take in the afternoon in the intervals between meals. Iron and calcium are incompatible, because each prevents the absorption. If a supplement to a comprehensive, then eat her better in the morning. These medications incompatible with oatmeal porridge (minerals not absorption). Supplements with iron can wash down with juice – vitamin C contributes to the absorption.
The optimum time for the reception of certain elements:
- From 21 to 24: calcium, magnesium;
- From 18 to 21: vitamins D, K, omega-acids;
- From 12 to 18: zinc, iodine, coenzyme;
- From 6 to 12 day: C, E, a group of iron.
If the add integrated manufacturer took care about the combination of elements and consume the product can be for breakfast. Think about is not designed for this tablet cannot be.
The danger of overdose
Manufacturing and trading of bio-additives – very profitable business, which brings the owners millions of dollars. People from childhood to inculcate the necessity of their income for good health, but often they are the cause of the disease. An overdose of vitamin soluble in water leads essentially to the symptomatic disorders (allergies), which are held after the cancellation. Excess fat soluble much more dangerous, because they are not excreted, and accumulate in the liver and adipose tissue.
An overdose of vitamin D causes a leaching of calcium from the bones, the education of calcifications on the walls of blood vessels. Excess vitamin a is stored in the kidneys and liver, which in turn will lead to disruption of metabolism, anemia, failure in the work of the digestive system. High doses of B6 (more than 10 mg) cause the defeat of the nerves (neuropathy), sometimes permanent. Beta-carotene is dangerous for smokers and a large interest in alcohol – can trigger a Oncology.
Excess vitamin E causes headaches, problems with digestion, muscle weakness, can reduce the clotting of blood. On the portal are presented the results of research by american scientists, according to which men regularly taking vitamin E, to 17% increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. How accurate information and in what form taken supplement – it is not known.
Overdose of vitamin C threatens fraught, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, rheumatism, atherosclerosis. Excessive intake of B2 provokes pathologies of the nervous and cardiovascular system.
Long-term consumption of vitamin monocomplexes will lead to the fact that the body ceases their absorb, stray metabolic processes, will begin allergic reactions, intoxication.
There is no need to drink supplements course "just in case". Make sure that it is necessary to receive them it is possible through the analysis of the vitamin-mineral profile: just fold the hair, nails, urine, or blood in the study in any of the network laboratories. The tests are expensive, but many spend much larger sums on unnecessary and even dangerous drugs, instead, to reveal the real deficit and to consult with a nutritionist.
Vitamins in food, is: why is nature more useful artificial
Natural vitamins are much more useful than a synthetic, because it is in them the present protein basis, in the artificial its not. The crystal structure of the last hard splits and absorbed in the body only partially. This will result in a buildup of chemical substances (urine acquires a characteristic aroma). The kidneys and the liver receive additional load. When receiving vitamins in food and beverages the intestinal micro-organisms to digest and they are all useless.
Vitamin E (important for the health of the male reproductive system), in most of the products is contained in abbreviated form. In nature consists of eight compounds (isomers), and sells is often just one (alpha-tocopherol), so the full effect on income is missing. When the saturation of the body one isomer of the others are destroyed. The inscription on the preparations of dl-alpha tocopherol means that the connection of digestion is only half. For relatively high-quality product-the prefix consists of one of the letters d: d-alpha tocopherol.
Natural tocopherol, a powerful synthetic 50 times, because it contains in its composition of tocotrienols. To ensure the body with antioxidants enough to eat the following products: oil of seed of flax, olive oil, walnuts and hazelnuts, sunflower oil.
Table 2. Vitamins in food

Vitamin | Where contains |
And | In pure form: butter, fat, liver of marine animals and fish, egg yolk. As a provitamin (carotene): pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, green beans. Provitamin a is converted to retinol in the body during biochemical processes. |
D | Butter, fish fat, liver, egg yolk and eggs. For the transformation to the active form requires sunlight. |
E | Vegetable oil, greens, liver, milk, yolk, eggs, butter, meat. |
B1 | Brewer's yeast, kidneys, liver, wheat cereal. |
B2 | Milk, liver, lean protein, eggs, fish, poultry, legumes. |
B5 | In almost all foods and is synthesized by intestinal microflora. |
B6 | Liver, yeast, produced in the intestines. |
B12 | Meat, liver, fish and animals. |
B9 | Legumes, eggs, milk, cabbage, cereals, nuts. |
With | Rosehip, paprika, citrus, currants. |
If a person eats right (not semi-finished products out of the boxes and packages), then in the next use of artificial vitamins needs no. Modern the average person consumes little physical strength, so all of the needed normal your body the necessary substances can get from the following products (approx. file):
- Vitamins: 2 eggs, red pepper, sunflower oil, 100 g of beef liver.
- Minerals: potatoes, whole wheat bread, 100 grams of cheese.
- Vitamin D is for "children of the cellar": fatty fish, nuts, seafood.
If a person actively engaged in sports, then it is necessary to place emphasis on B12, C and D. For office workers is the necessary additional quantity of vitamins In. Vegans can not do without the intake of the amino acid methionine.
What vitamins do you choose
If it is found to lack a number of elements, then it can only high-quality products. In them the necessary substances are contained in digestible forms.
Among scientists there is no uniform opinion about how harmful or useful synthetic vitamins – some studies are in conflict with others. Left to rely on their own wits. If disturbed potency, deterioration erection, then there is no need to immediately order the expensive multivitamin complex. Initially, it is important to rule out diseases of the genitourinary system, then figure out what elements are missing in the body, and only then it makes sense to start the seminar intake of vitamins.