A man always wants to stay a man, and sometimes it won't be superfluous to know which potency boosting products to look out for in order to always be "on top".
For most of the male population, potency is not only the ability to have sex, but also the defining trait of a man, his honor, and his status. Potency is responsible for a man's sexual function, the condition of his penis, the speed and fullness of an erection, the duration and quality of sexual contact.
Unfortunately, age and lifestyle leave their mark on the sexual functionality of the male body: especially bad habits (alcohol, tobacco, drugs), prolonged and uncontrolled use of anabolic hormones, a large numberstressful situations play a role.
Nuts that increase potency
Useful products that have a positive effect on the male libido are walnuts - an excellent remedy that has a complex and effective effect on all processes in the body, providing it with all the necessary substances. Simultaneously with the establishment of basal and hormonal metabolism, potency is also enhanced.
But, as you know, there are many varieties of nuts, so which ones should be used to get the result? In fact, almost all existing types of nuts are beneficial, and you have to eat them constantly, trying to alternate between their varieties.
What is so unusual about nuts that increase potency and, by the way, not just for men? Nuts are packed with protein and healthy fatty acids that stimulate hormone production in the body.
Arginine, a unique amino acid found in nuts, has the ability to gently but extremely effectively increase the lumen of veins and arteries, making it easier to fill the penis with blood during lerection, which significantly improves the quality of sexual intercourse. This amino acid component also has a positive effect on spermatogenesis, increasing the number and motility of sperm.
Antioxidant tocopherol, zinc, selenium are essential substances to support sexual function, they are often used medicinally in the treatment of male infertility.
Eating nuts on a regular basis will keep your sexual performance unshakeable.
Fruits that increase potency
Vitamins and trace elements essential for full potency are also found in large quantities in fruit. Sometimes a fruit diet can help get rid of many sexual problems. Fruits that increase potency contain certain combinations of vitamins that are able to restore and improve sexual function. Among them, it is worth highlighting the fruits containing folic and ascorbic acids, tocopherol and various essential trace elements.
Citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines, lemons - are excellent suppliers of vitamin C, which speeds up metabolism, nourishes body tissues and improves fullness of sensations during intercourse. Kiwi, pomegranate, figs and mango are also rich in essential vitamins.
Most fruits have the ability to increase testosterone in men, making them even more beneficial. Apricot, melon, pineapple, papaya, peach, pears, persimmons and grapes - all these fruits should be included in the constant daily diet of a real man.
Potency increasing tea
What drink do we drink the most during the day? Most people will of course choose tea. However, this drink can be drunk not only for pleasure or thirst, but also with great benefits for the body. A tea that increases potency - yes, there is!
For example, regular green tea. It contains a lot of zinc, which promotes the synthesis of testosterone, blocks the development of prostatitis and maintains the tone of the muscular system of the genitals. The only digression is that green tea should be freshly brewed, it is drunk after meals for more complete absorption of trace elements.
Red tea (hibiscus or hibiscus) strengthens the body and perfectly increases potency. This tea contains ascorbic acid, proteins, amino acids that regulate metabolic processes and sexual function. It is best to use it hot in the second half of the day.
If you don't like green or red tea, then there is good news for you: black tea is also possible, but cardamom, ginger or lemon should be added to enhance potency. It is also useful to add to tea and other sources of vitamins - currants, raspberries, St. John's wort, rose hips.
Supplements that increase potency
The advantages or disadvantages of dietary supplements have been debated since their inception. On the one hand, these products are natural, generally containing plant or animal components. On the other hand, it does not appear to be a medicine, but only a recommended dietary supplement.
In fact, the effect of using a dietary supplement can be enormous, but only if two basic conditions are met: dietary supplements should not be purchased from the hands, but only in pharmacies; taking dietary supplements should be associated with certain diet and lifestyle changes.
Potency increasing dietary supplements are very popular around the world. There are several hundred types of such additives on their own.
Ginger to increase potency
Ginger is known to us as a seasoning, often added to soups, salads and many main dishes. Eating foods flavored with ginger is very beneficial for the body in general, and for potency in particular.
This tropical root contains many useful substances: magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium and potassium, ascorbic acid, B vitamins and vitamin A.
The fact that ginger increases potency was only learned in ancient China, during the time of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. Ginger began to be used not only for colds and digestive disorders, but also as an erection stimulator, to prolong the functional capacities of the reproductive system.
Chinese scientists of this time discovered properties of increasing sexual desire in ginger; its name is translated from Chinese as "masculinity". After such discoveries, ginger became a very expensive seasoning, and sometimes to enhance the effect, cardamom and nutmeg were added to it.
To increase the potency, you can use fresh and dried ginger, or in the form of ginger oil. Can be added to tea to taste, mixed with water and honey about half a teaspoon per glass of water.
Vegetables that increase potency
The main "male" vegetables that increase potency:
- Chinese cabbage - used to cleanse the blood, strengthen the immune system, improve blood flow to the genitals;
- cauliflower - 50g of this cabbage contains the daily requirement of ascorbic acid; this vegetable resists the development of adenoma, prevents damage and degeneration of cells, has antioxidant protection;
- broccoli - contains folic acid, zinc, iron; removes toxins and heavy metal salts from the body, cleanses the blood;
- celery - increases the sexual performance of men;
- avocado - contains a lot of protein, has a stimulating effect;
- tomatoes - contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, alkalize the blood;
- zucchini - contain protein, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, gently boost potency;
- carrots - a multivitamin vegetable, normalizes mineral metabolism and sexual function; carrots are the best source of vitamin A, which improves testicular function, accelerates testosterone synthesis and spermatogenesis, activates the function of the prostate and seminal vesicles.
Honey to increase the potency

Honey is made up of a large number of nutrients, trace elements, amino acids, natural hormones which naturally stimulate sexual desire. Honey increases potency and strengthens the male body.
In winter it is recommended to eat 1 tablespoon per day, in summer a little more.
To enhance the effect, honey can be mixed with walnuts or other nuts: it is not only healthy, but also very tasty. As additives to honey, prunes, figs, dried apricots are used, after grinding them in a meat grinder.
Honey and other bee products perfectly restore human strength and increase blood flow to the genitals. The glucose and fructose in honey provide energy and the biostimulants will improve the quality and duration of sexual intercourse.
The beneficial substances in honey are perfectly absorbed by the human body, providing a stable effect of increasing blood circulation in the genitals, facilitating the flow of arterial blood to the groin area.
Parsley to increase the potency
Parsley is a common, familiar spice that enhances the taste and aroma of dishes. It is good to know another property of this greenery: parsley increases the potency!
100 grams of parsley contains two daily norms of ascorbic acid and vitamin A, in addition, it contains B vitamins, vitamin E and many useful trace elements.
The medicinal properties of parsley are inherent in almost all parts of the plant: leaves, roots, seeds. Traditional medicine recommends parsley for breakdown, overwork and sexual dysfunction.
In addition to the constant use of this type of greenery as an additive to the main meals of the diet, its use is also possible for the preparation of infusions, decoctions, tea. Parsley gently cleanses the body, removes toxic substances from it, improves metabolism and improves blood circulation in organs. It is an excellent antioxidant which protects the body from free radicals and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The anticarcinogenic properties of parsley are also known to prevent the development of malignant prostate tumors.
Sour cream to increase potency
To increase the potency, it is recommended to use a variety of fermented dairy products, including sour cream. It is very nutritious and contains, in addition to proteins and fats, a fairly large amount of minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc) and vitamins (A, B, C, E). Sour cream has a positive effect on the reproductive system and hormonal balance.
It is important to consume sour cream, but not to overdo it, as it is a rather high calorie product and obesity does not help improve potency in any way.
Sour cream and all fermented milk products are rich in protein, which is necessary for the normal production of testosterone; sour cream is recommended as a means of improving spermatogenesis, increasing the quality and quantity of semen.
Based on sour cream, you can make fortifying cocktails with the addition of parsley, dried fruits, honey or your favorite fruits.
It is enough to eat a few tablespoons of sour cream per day to experience the beneficial properties of the product. Seasoning salads with sour cream, adding to desserts or other dishes, or eating like this - with a spoon - is also very tasty, especially if you are not using the store version, but a real village version.
Garlic to increase potency
Garlic increases potency by speeding up blood circulation in the groin area which leads to natural enhancement of sexual performance.
Garlic is infused with alcohol, added to wine, milk, or simply consumed with food. This herb dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to organs.
Garlic is a kind of antibiotic which has an adverse effect on many types of bacteria. It cleanses and thins the blood.
The active substance allicin contained in garlic is considered an excellent antioxidant, it neutralizes bacteria, microbial cells, including pathologically impaired cancer cells. The composition of garlic is enriched with nitrogenous substances, sodium acids, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, silicic and phosphoric, vitamins C, B, phytoncides and essential oils.
Garlic prevents the aging of cells and blood vessels in the body.
For lasting effects, garlic should be consumed regularly and daily, at least three cloves per day. However, not everyone can use it: the irritant effect of garlic negatively affects the gastric mucosa in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Drinks that increase potency
In addition to green and red tea, there are other drinks that increase potency: all of them are sufficiently safe and provide tangible benefits to the body.
It is very useful to add lemon juice to any drink: a large amount of ascorbic acid activates metabolic processes and speeds up metabolism. You can make a nutritious cocktail from quail eggs, honey and lemon juice: a mixture of protein, glucose, fructose and vitamin C works as well as known drugs!
An excellent effect is observed when using a mixture of birch and carrot juice; some amateurs also add freshly squeezed beet juice to it. It is advisable to take such a drink one glass a day, then the result will not be long in coming.
All protein shakes sold in sports nutrition stores are also great for boosting potency.
Increases sexual performance and the usual dried fruit compote: prunes, figs, apricots, boiled and seasoned with honey, give an excellent effect. You can also prepare a compote made from fresh blackcurrant berries, raspberries, adding a little honey and lemon juice. Dandelion decoction and black radish juice also help a lot.
It turns out that simple dietary changes can be beneficial enough for many body functions.
If you are unsure of your sexual abilities, there is no need to run to the drugstore for a miracle product. Maybe the products that increase the potency are on your table or in the fridge!